1 Walk with the God of Light,
And joyful we
The heav’nly pathway bright
Shall always see;
With saints in brotherhood,
Shall Jesus’ precious blood,
A sin-atoning flood,
Our cleansing be.
2 To say we have so sin
Is to deceive,
To fail of trust within,
The Spirit grieve;
If we our sins confess,
God will forgive and bless,
Cleanse from unrighteousness,
Our souls receive.
3 If sin abuse His love,
And us appall,
Our Advocate above
For grace shall call;
Jesus, the righteous One,
By all that He has done,
A ransom full has won
For us all.
4 Blest they who keep the Word,
Their guide each day,
Walk closely with the Lord,
Know and obey;
Works with true faith combine;
In them the love divine
Shall in perfection shine,
And ne’er decay.
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #61