1 We are marching along,
Bound for Canaan and glory;
And abroad as we go,
We will publish the story.
We are marching along,
we are batt'ling 'gainst wrong,
Our Commander is strong,
He will lead us to victory;
If we go in His name,
As our Lord overcame,
We shall conquer the same,
He hath promised victory.
2 Heaven's light guides our way,
Heaven's banner floats o'er us'
Heaven's portals of pearl,
Gleam in fancy before us. [Chorus]
3 As we pass thro' the land,
Seeks our foe to annoy us;
Heaven's passport we bear,
And he cannot destroy us. [Chorus]
4 No "enchanted ground' pow'r
Shall be able to charm us;
All the "lions are chain'd,"
There is nought that can harm us. [Chorus]
5 So we joyfully go,
As the kingdom is nearing;
Looking heav'nward the while,
For the Master's appearing. [Chorus]
Source: Singing by the Way (Rev. ed.) #61