1 We are one with the Son, reckoned holy as He;
What He did we have done; “as He is, so are we;”
Redeemed and forgiven, accepted, approved,
And seated in Heaven, forever beloved.
I was nailed to the Cross with the Crucified,
And in Him when He rose, I too, was justified,
And with Him sat down at the Father’s side,
For in Christ forever, I am glorified.
2 It was marvelous mercy, ‘twas wonderful grace,
That suffered the Son to be slain in our place,
And raised us together, in Jesus complete,
And put the whole Universe under our feet. [Refrain]
3 ‘Tis the purpose of infinite love, we are told,
The unsearchable riches of Christ to unfold,
That the goodness of God, coming ages may see,
By lavishing kindness on you and on me. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 2 #98