We are waiting, watching

Representative Text

1 We are waiting, watching here,
Soon our Saviour will appear,
And we know that he is near,
He will heed our prayer,
And he takes us one by one
When our earthly life is done.
Brings us to our distant home so fair,

We shall meet in heaven once more,
We shall meet in heaven once more,
And we'll join in the songs of that happy land,
On that bright, that sinless shore,
With the loved who went before,
We shall meet once more in heaven a joyous band.

2 Children waiting his command,
Trusting in his gracious hand,
Yielding to his just demand,
His is tender love.
Sweet the lessons we have heard,
From his ever daring word.
We will trust him till we meet above. [Chorus]

3 Soldiers ready for the fray,
Foes around in ambush lay.
We must ever watch and pray,
We must bravely fight,
And when all the conflict's passed,
We shall meet our Lord at last.
Meet him in that land which knows no night. [Chorus]

Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #143

Author: Fannie E. Davison

Born: 1851, Cuy­a­ho­ga Falls, Ohio. Died: March 10, 1887, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. Buried: Carth­age, Mis­sou­ri. Fannie’s fa­ther was killed when she was 10 years old; af­ter her mo­ther’s re­mar­ri­age to ho­tel­i­er Hen­ry War­ner, the fam­i­ly moved to Carth­age, Mis­sou­ri. Fan­nie mar­ried court re­port­er Asa Lee Da­vis­on and they moved to Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, then Ma­di­son, Wis­con­sin. Sev­er­al of her songs ap­peared in pub­li­ca­tions from the Fill­more Bro­thers of Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, in­clud­ing Songs of Gra­ti­tude (1877), Joy and Glad­ness (1880) and The Voice of Joy (1882). Lyrics-- Last Words, The Purer in Heart, O God --hymntime.com/tch/bi… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: We are waiting, watching
Author: Fannie E. Davison
Refrain First Line: We shall meet in heaven once
Copyright: Public Domain



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Sparkling Jewels for the Sunday School #68

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The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #143

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