1 We have found the great Messiah,
King of glory, Prince of Peace,
Jesus Christ, the Son of David,
Breaks the day of full release.
We have found him, the great Messiah,
Whom our fathers longed to see;
Sound the tidings to ev’ry nation,
Blessed gospel of the free.
2 Lord, we’ve found thy blest Anointed,
And our hearts are all aglow;
In his footsteps we will follow,
Wheresoe’er he bids us go. [Refrain]
3 We have found the precious Savior,
And rejoice to see him bring
Perfect, full and free salvation,
Hallelujah to our King! [Refrain]
4 We have found him, glory! glory!
Whom we’ve waited long to see;
All the prophets have foretold it,
Blessed day of victory! [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #99