1 We have heard the story
Of the sweetest Child,
How He grew to manhood,
Gentle, undefiled,
When on earth He tarried,
Years and years ago;
Once He call’d the children
When they throng’d Him so.
“Suffer little children to come unto me,
Suffer little children to come unto me
And forbid them not, forbid them not,
For of such is the Kingdom of heav’n.”
2 When the stern disciples
Thought them in the way
Jesus called them nearer,
He would have them stay;
In His arms He held them
And he sweetly said,
As He murmur’d blessings
On each gentle head:— [Refrain]
3 Jesus loves the children
Just the same today;
He would have them follow,
Where He leads the way,
He would have us love Him—
Him who loves us so—
Hear Him calling now, as
In the long ago. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 2 #78