1 We now arise, the light is come,
The glory of the Lord appears;
No more in darkness may we roam,
Expos'd to guilt and many fears.
2 The day spring glorious from on high,
Beams forth in brightness all divine;
Our nightly fears and troubles die,
Whilst we in perfect beauty shine.
3 The Godhead's glory rising bright
On us, in Christ the heav'nly man,
Declares us perfect in his sight,
Whilst we admire the gracious plan.
4 What e'er we lost, we here regain;
The end of all our toil is come,
Nor sin, nor curse, doth now remain,
We rest in God our native home.
5 There in our nature greatly blest,
And purg'd from ev'ry ill, thro' blood,
Our conscience finds eternal rest,
And answers peacefully to God.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCXXVI