1 We will never be sorry,
If we follow the Lord,
We will never be lonely,
If we do His will.
If we want to see Jesus,
In God's heaven above,
We will never be sorry,
If we live in His love.
2 We will never be sorry,
Winning souls for the Lord,
Bringing cheer to the lonely,
With the truth of God's Word,
Being true to Him always,
Blessed Savior and Lord,
We will never be sorry,
In the kingdom of God.
3 We will never be sorry,
If our hearts keep right,
We will always be happy,
Walking close to His side,
Being spotless in living,
So others may see,
I will never be sorry
With Christ living in me.
4 We will never be sorry,
Spreading kindness and cheer,
Bringing comfort and mercy,
Thus rejecting all fear;
Christ is pleading from heaven,
Humbly to Him bow,
We will never be sorry,
If we come to Him now.