1 Weary, Lord, of struggling here
With this constant doubt and fear,
Burdened by the pains I bear,
And the trials I must share—
Help me, Lord, again to flee
To the rest that’s found in Thee.
2 Weakened by the wayward will
Which controls, yet cheats me still;
Seeking something undefined
With an earnest, darkened mind—
Help me, Lord again to flee
To the light that breaks from Thee.
3 Fettered by this earthly scope
In the reach and aim of hope,
Fixing thought in narrow bound
Where no living truth is found—
Help me, Lord, again to flee
To the hope that’s fixed in Thee.
4 Fettered, burdened, wearied, weak,
Lord, once more Thy grace I seek;
Turn, O turn me not away,
Help me, Lord, to watch and pray—
That I never more may flee
From the rest that’s found in Thee.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10085