1 We're a happy Christian band,
Marching to the heav'nly land!
'Tis the Saviour leads us there
To the Father's home so fair!
Come, and join our Christian band,
On redemption's ground we stand!
We are ransomed, we are free,
Sing His praise eternally.
2 'Tis a bright and cheerful way,
When the Saviour we obey;
By His loving hand we're led,
By His precious manna fed! [Chorus]
3 What a glorious morn 'twill be
When our loved ones we shall see!
When with Jesus we shall reign,
Nevermore to part again! [Chorus]
4 Come, and join us, one and all,
Heed the Savior's loving call;
Turn from sin and seek the Lord,
He will save you! Trust His word. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #108