1. What a Savior Jesus is!
He is mine, and I am His;
He the price of sin has paid,
And for me atonement made.
What a Savior, what a Savior,
What a Savior Jesus is!
I will praise Him, ever praise Him,
He is mine, and I am His!
2. What a Savior! praise His name,
That to earth for me He came;
Not the least, but all He gave,
My immortal soul to save. [Refrain]
3. What a Savior! all the way
Walking with me, day by day,
Guiding by His holy will,
Guarding me from ev’ry ill. [Refrain]
4. What a Savior! and I know
When to that bright world I go,
Saved by His redeeming grace,
I shall see Him face to face. [Refrain]
5. What a Savior! how He loves,
Ev’ry hour His mercy proves;
Listen, for He speaks to thee:
Take thy cross, and follow Me! [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7272