The Wonderful Name

What did the angels say? hymning their joyous lay

Author: Priscilla J. Owens
Tune: [What did the angels say? hymning their joyous lay]
Published in 4 hymnals

Representative Text

1 What did the angels say?
hymning their joyous lay,
While the dark midnight grew
brighter than morn;
Glory came blazing through,
gilding the stars anew,
List the glad tidings,
a Saviour is born.
What shall we call his name,
whom angel hosts proclaim?
How shall earth's children
his praises begin?
Wondrous and Mighty One,
God's own Eternal Son,
Call his name Jesus,
the Saviour from sin.

Call his name Jesus,
call his name Jesus,
Call his name Jesus,
the Saviour from sin.

2 Earth heard the welcome sound;
long had the nations round
Waited in darkness,
this light drawing near,
Waited beside the tomb,
weeping in deepest gloom,
Life rose in sorrow
and ended in fear.
But over vale and height,
joy, like a beacon light,
Rose upward, fanned by that
heaven-drawn breath:
"Lo, we have found our Lord,
this is the promised Word,"
Call his name Jesus,
the Saviour from death. [Chorus]

3 Vanish, ye funeral train,--
shadows of grief and pain,--
This is Death's victor,
as sin was Death's sting;
Mourner, put by thy tears,
trembler, dismiss thy fears;
Come home, ye banished,
and welcome your King.
Sin, death, and hell o'erthrown,
glory is all his own,
Into his mansions bright,
leading us in:
Over the plains above
echoes his name of Love,
Jesus, our Saviour
from death and from sin. [Chorus]

Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #32

Author: Priscilla J. Owens

Owens, Priscilla Jane, was born July 21, 1829, of Scotch and Welsh descent, and is now (1906) resident at Baltimore, where she is engaged in public-school work. For 50 years Miss Owen has interested herself in Sunday-school work, and most of her hymns were written for children's services. Her hymn in the Scotch Church Hymnary, 1898, "We have heard a joyful sound" (Missions), was written for a Sunday-school Mission Anniversary, and the words were adapted to the chorus "Vive le Roi" in the opera The Huguenots. [Rev. James Bonar, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix II (1907)… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: What did the angels say? hymning their joyous lay
Title: The Wonderful Name
Author: Priscilla J. Owens
Language: English
Refrain First Line: Call His name Jesus, call His name Jesus
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)
TextPage Scan

Living Hymns #32

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Manly Praise #17

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The Emory Hymnal No. 2 #32

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The Wells of Salvation #146

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