1 “What meaneth this?” this strange display,
These cloven tongues, like as of fire,
This sudden sound like rushing wind,
They all with one accord enquire.
This is the Lord, the Holy One,
This is the promised pow’r bestowed;
The Holy Ghost has surely come,
And taken up his own abode.
2 “What meaneth this?” oh, blessed Lord,
Thy waiting saints all know full well
Thy presence manifested there,
Indued with pow’r, thy love to tell. [Refrain]
3 O, Pentecost, sweet upper room
Where holy fire unloosed the dumb;
“What meaneth this?” oh, praise his name;
The promised pow’r has fully come. [Refrain]
4 “What meaneth this?” such holy joy,
This intermingling wave of sounds;
O, “This is That” which promised was,
And now the Holy Ghost abounds. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #128