1 What shall be given to him who bestows
Blessings unnumbered, but bountiful, free?
What for the mercies and love that God shows,
Given in goodness to you and to me?
Render your gratitude unto the Lord,
Render thanksgiving and praise;
'Tis but a little to give in return,
For blessings thro' all of life's days.
2 Life is a struggle; but lo, it is blest,
Oft when the hour is most darksome and drear,
Comfort is given; the guidance is sure,
Jesus the Saviour in mercy is near. [Chorus]
3 Happiness comes unto him that will seek,
Peace unto those whom the Saviour hath blest,
All that we have has been rendered in love,
Jesus gives comfort and bringeth us rest. [Chorus]
4 Thanks be to him who has given us all,
Thanks for the gifts of his wonderful love,
Thanks unto him ever guiding aright,
Leading from darkness to brightness above. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #33