1 When ent’ring the portals of pearl
I’ll meet all the lov’d and the blest,
And gaze on the city of gold,
And see the bright mansions of rest.
O glorious sight! transcendent delight!
The King in His beauty to see;
His image to bear, and His glory to share,
O, that will be heaven for me, for me,
O, that will be heaven for me.
2 Away from these scenes of delight,
My eyes I shall hasten to turn
To Him who hath ransom’d my soul,
To Jesus, the Lamb on the throne. [Chorus]
3 Whom have I in heaven but Thee?
No object, below or above,
So precious as Jesus to me,
So wondrous, so boundless His love! [Chorus]
4 To dwell in His presence on high,
His own blessed image to bear,—
This, this is the fulness of joy
My spirit is longing to share! [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #134