1 When Jesus did from heav'n descend,
He came to be the sinners friend;
Was mov'd with pity, love and grace
To save the human fallen race.
2 It was the kindness of our God,
A precious gift on us bestow'd--
To let us know that Jesus is,
Our life, our way and righteousness.
3 A doctrine of the greatest worth:
The son of God appear'd on earth,
When he assum'd our flesh and blood
And sacrific'd himself to God.
4 Was it the Angels great delight?
To view that wond'rous glorious sight:
The son of God in flesh array'd
For which both Kings and Prophets pray'd.
5 How highly thankful then ought we
To him, our gracious Saviour be?
Who is our life and righteousness,
Our everlasting joy and peace.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #XXII