1 When life’s dark billows threat’ning roll,
And sombre clouds hang over me,
Sweet Refuge of my shrinking soul,
I cling to Thee, I cling to Thee.
And when I reach yon golden shore,
And pearly gates unfold for me,
Still then, my Saviour, as before,
I’ll cling to Thee, I’ll cling to Thee.
2 I cling to Thee in sorrow’s night;
I cling when dangers threaten me;
Till doubts shall cease to cloud my sight,
I cling to Thee, I cling to Thee. [Refrain]
3 Safe covert when my sins pursue;
Defense from foes I cannot see;
My faithful Friend, my Leader true,
I cling to Thee, I cling to Thee. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #70