1 When ’mid sounds of earthly voices
None your accents ever hear,
Will your tones be thrilling
In redemption’s psalm?
Will your soul in blood-washed garments
Fair and spotless then appear,
At the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb?
O the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb,
O the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb;
Robed in garments snowy white
Will you meet the saints of light?
At the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb?
2 Will you be among the number
Who are pure and undefiled,
Called from earthly conflict
Into Heaven’s calm?
Will you by His Son’s atonement
Unto God be reconciled,
Ere the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb? [Refrain]
3 Now put on the wedding raiment
And be ready for the call,
With your sin-wounds cured by
Calvary’s healing balm;
Bow before the blessed Jesus
And proclaim Him Lord of all,
At the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13044