1 When my heart is crushed with sorrow,
Weighted down my many a care;
Then I look to Him who saved me,
And I find my comfort there.
2 When against the tempter struggling,
Well nigh yielding in the fight;
Trusting in the strength He gives me,
All my foes are put to flight.
3 When I long for voices silent,
For the touch of those at rest;
Overcome with grief and anguish,
He will calm my soul distressed.
4 When my heart is bowed in sorrow,
Oh, what peace to find it true!
“Casting all your care upon Him,”
Knowing that He cares for you.
5 When life’s sun on earth’s horizon,
Sinks to rest at eventide,
Then I know His love will hold me,
Bear me to the other side.
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #267