1 When my life was full of sorrow and my heart was full of sin,
And the sense of guilt was deep’ning and I felt no peace within;
It was then the blessed Saviour looked in pity upon me,
And in His divine compassion from the burden set me free.
Oh, it’s just like Jesus, to set the sinner free,
It’s just like Jesus, who died upon the tree;
Yes, it’s just like Jesus to bear the cross for me
And prove His heav’nly love.
2 When the wrath of God was gath’ring in the tempest’s loud alarm,
And no arm was found sufficient strong to save the world from harm.
Shone the love of Christ, the Saviour, manifest for you and me,
As on Him was laid our sorrow which He bore upon the tree. [Refrain]
3 Often when the heart is heavy with life’s burden, grief and care,
And the eyes are looking heav’nward to the mansions over there;
Oh, how cheering is the prospect of the life that is to be,
As the heart is filled with mem’ries of the Cross of Calvary. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day, No. 6: A Book of Gospel Songs #136