1 When the clouds are hanging o’er thee,
When thy path is dark before thee,
Think of Jesus, have no fear!
Though His form thou cans’t not trace,
Nor thine eyes behold His face,
All the time, in ev’ry place,
Think of Jesus, He is near.
Think of Jesus, thy Friend and Saviour,
One whose love will never cease;
He whose mind is stayed on Jesus
Shall be kept in perfect peace.
2 When malicious foes assail thee,
When thy strength and courage fail thee,
Think of Jesus, to Him call;
When there is no other friend
Who thy need can comprehend,
And none other help can lend,
Think of Jesus, tell Him all.
3 When thy burdens sorely press thee,
Wrong and pain and grief distress thee,
Think of Jesus, what He bore;
Ah! That crushing weight of woe,
Thou cans’t never, never know,
‘Twas for thee He suffered so,
Think of Jesus, what He bore! [Refrain]
4 When for rest thy heart is yearning,
And thy thoughts t’ward heav’n are turning,
Think of Jesus, waiting there;
He that bore thy sins alone,
Seated there beside the throne,
Waiting to receive His own,
Think of Jesus, waiting there! [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #5