Display Title: I Am the Light of the World First Line: When the song of the angels is stilled Tune Title: LIGHT OF THE WORLD Author: Jim Strathdee Meter: Irregular Date: 1996 Subject: Advent 3 | Year B; Aging | ; Angels | ; Biblical Characters | Shepherds; Biblical Characters | Wisemen/Sages/Kings; Calling and Response | ; Choruses and Refrains | ; Christian Year | Epiphany; Christmas Eve | Year A; Discipleship and Service | ; Epiphany | Year A; Epiphany 2 | Year B; Epiphany 3 | Year C; Epiphany 5 | Year A; Epiphany 6 | Year A; Hunger | ; Jesus Christ | Light; Justice | ; Light | ; Music and Singing | ; Mystery | ; Nation | ; Prisoner(s) | ; Proper 19 | Year C; Race Relations | ; Star(s) | ; The Christian Year | Epiphany
Voices United #87