1 When we follow earthly splendor,
Seeking only selfish ease;
Blessed Lord, we hear Thee saying,
“Do you love Me more than these?”
More than these, more than these,
Do you love me more than these?
More than these, more than these,
Do you love me more than these?
2 When the crowns of human glory
We, in blindness, try to seize;
We can catch the tender question:—
“Do you love Me more than these?” [Refrain]
3 Leaving home, and friends, and country,
Over land and over seas;
We would follow when Thou callest:—
“Do you love Me more than these?” [Refrain]
Source: Christian Gospel Hymns: for church, Sunday school, and evangelistic meetings: contains the cream of all the old songs, and the very best of all the new #3