1 While life's summer days go by,
Let us not as idlers stand;
While there's work on every side,
Waiting for the willing hand.
It may not be something grand;
What we do men may not know,
But the world will better be,
For the seeds of good we sow.
Sow ye then by the wayside,
Sow ye then in the field wide,
Morning, noon, and eventide,
For the reaping by and by.
2 While life's summer days go by,
Dark with clouds, or bright with sun,
We've a mission—you and I—
Let us see it bravely done.
There are lovely words to speak,
There are burdens we may bear
For the weary and the weak—
Work is waiting everywhere. [Refrain]
3 As life's summer days go by,
We will sing a helpful song;
It may brighten many an eye,
It may make some faint heart strong.
Sing of rest that shall be ours
When life's summer days are done,
If, by us, in golden hours,
Good is wrought and vict'ries won. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Century #92