1 White pages before us, thank God this is so;
Past errors forgiven, wash'd whiter than snow;
O'er sin-blotted record why sorrowing more?
Confess to the Father, white leaves are before.
Beautiful leaves from heav'n,
Moment in mercy giv'n,
New days of trial for him who grieves;
One more probation hour,
Promise of holy pow'r.
What shall be written on life's new leaves?
What shall be written on our white leaves?
2 Forgiven, forgotten, Christ covers from view,
And strength for the future, gives daily anew;
All offers He freely for thy sinful heart:
This, this must be yielded, all, all, not a part. [Chorus]
3 Despondent one wounded by treacherous foe,
In moment unguarded by sin smitten low;
Defeated; yet never surrender Christ's name,
Take courage and speak it, deliverance claim. [Chorus]
4 Then faithful in service, from hour unto hour,
By full consecration draw fulness of pow'r;
His oil of love burning gives out the true light,
The life to Him yielded hath pages of white. [Chorus]
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #2