1 Who has borne my sin and shame?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Who now saves me by His name?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Jesus is my righteousness,
Jesus is my strength and peace,
He my Saviour from disease,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
2 Who hath cleans'd me by His blood?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Reconciling me to God?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Yes, He did the ransom pay,
Bore my many sins away,
And for me He prays today,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
3 Who now keeps me by His power?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Sanctifying me each hour?
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Hallelujah to the Lamb
Who to save poor sinners came?
All within me, bless His name!
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Source: His Fullness Songs #79