Who place on Zion's God their trust, Like Zion's lofty rock shall stand

Who place on Zion's God their trust, Like Zion's lofty rock shall stand

Adapter: Francis Hopkinson
Tune: [No change of times shall ever move]
Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

1 Who place on Sion's God their Trust,
Like Sion's lofty Rock shall stand;
Like her, immoveable be fix'd,
Establish'd by his mighty Hand:
Whose strong Foundations stand secure,
And shall for evermore endure.

2 Look how the Hills on ev'ry Side
The fair Jerusalem inclose;
So stands the LORD around his Saints,
To guard them from their Foes:
He shall their strong Protector be,
And from all Danger set them free.

3 The Wicked may afflict the Just,
But they shall not too long oppress,
Or force him by Despair to seek
Unrighteous Means for his Redress;
For GOD, who still remains his Friend,
From Heav'n shall speedy Succour send.

4 Do good, O righteous GOD, to those,
Who do in Goodness take Delight;
The Heart that Innocence retains,
To those thy choicest Blessings give,
Whose Hearts before thee are upright:
The LORD the Wicked shall destroy,
But crown his Saints with Peace and Joy.

Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #CXXV

Adapter: Francis Hopkinson

Francis Hopkinson; grad. College of Philadelphia with master’s degree; studied law and passed Pa. bar; opened conveyancer’s office in Philadelphia; musical and literary talent; prolific writer who frequently used pen name, A. B. LOC Name Authority Files Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Who place on Zion's God their trust, Like Zion's lofty rock shall stand
Adapter: Francis Hopkinson
Source: Tate and Brady's New Version, "Who place on Zion's God their trust"
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


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The Psalms of David #CXXV

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