1 Why do I hesitate,
When He the price has paid?
Why not repent?
While He is calling still,
Why not obey His will?
Why not obey His will,
Why not repent?
Why not obey His will,
Why not repent?
2 Does He not offer me
Eternal liberty,
Salvation free?
Why not surrender all?
List to His loving call.
List to His loving call.
"Come unto Me."
List to His loving call.
"Come unto Me."
3 Has not the world ere this
Taught me its vanities?
Why longer wait?
When upon Calv’ry’s tree
He gave His life for me.
He gave His life for me,
My ransom paid.
He gave His life for me,
My ransom paid.
4 Is not the way made clear?
Why longer doubt and fear
To enter in?
Christ is Himself the door,
Why not for evermore
Why not for evermore
Be dead to sin?
Why not for evermore
Be dead to sin?
5 Loved ones have gone before,
Waiting on Canaan’s shore,
Calling for me.
Why should I still disdain
My Savior’s sweet refrain?
My Savior’s sweet refrain,
"Look unto Me."
My Savior’s sweet refrain,
"Look unto Me."
6 Lord, I no longer wait,
Let not my wav’ring faith
Keep me from Thee.
Let my poor prayer be heard,
Lord, I obey Thy word;
Lord, I obey Thy word:
"Come unto Me."
Lord, I obey Thy word:
"Come unto Me."
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14961