Why should they such pain e'er give Thee,
Why inflict such cruel smart?
Jesus, why should they so grieve Thee,
Who’re uncircumcis’d in heart,
By this rite? Though Thou art free
From the law’s yoke utterly,
Yet man’s nature art Thou wearing,
But no sin its beauty marring.
For Thyself Thou dost not bear it,
Of the Cov’nant Thou art Head;
’Tis our debts that make Thee share it,
That like grievous load of lead
Lie upon us, and Thy heart
Pierce e’en to the inmost part;
These Thou bearest to deliver
Us, who could have paid them never.
Let your hearts be glad, ye debtors!
Let the world rejoice to-day,
For the Son of God our fetters
Breaks, the price begins to pay.
This day is the Law fulfill’d,
This day is God’s anger still’d,
Whom to death law did deliver,
God’s Son makes God’s heirs for ever.
We this grace enough can never
Own, nor for it grateful be;
Heart and mouth, O Saviour! ever
Shall exalt and honour Thee!
We shall praise with all our pow’r
All Thy goodness, Thee adore,
While in weakness here we wander,
And Thy praise re-echo yonder!
Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs, 1867