Wie bist du mir so innig gut

Representative Text

1 Wie bist du mir so innig gut,
mein Hoherpriester Du!
Wie kräftig spricht Dein teures Blut
und bring mein Herz zur Ruh.

2 Wenn mein Gewissen zagen will
Vor meiner Sündenschuld,
so macht Dein Blut mich wieder still,
setzt mich bei Gott in Huld.

3 Es gibt dem schwerbedrückten Sinn
Freimütigkeit zu Dir,
daß ich in Dir zufrieden bin,
wie arm ich bin in mir.

4 Bin ich gestrauchelt hier und da
Und will verzagen fast,
spür Dein Versöhnungsblut ich nah;
das nimmt mir meine Last.

5 Es lindert meinen tiefen Schmerz
Durch seine milde Kraft,
es stillet mein verstörtes Herz
und neuen Glauben schafft.

6 Zieh mich in Dein versöhnend Herz,
mein Jesus, tief hinein,
laß es in aller Not und Schmerz
mir Burg und Zuflucht sein!

Source: Glaubenslieder #391

Author: Gerhard Tersteegen

Tersteegen, Gerhard, a pious and useful mystic of the eighteenth century, was born at Mörs, Germany, November 25, 1697. He was carefully educated in his childhood, and then apprenticed (1715) to his older brother, a shopkeeper. He was religiously inclined from his youth, and upon coming of age he secured a humble cottage near Mühlheim, where he led a life of seclusion and self-denial for many years. At about thirty years of age he began to exhort and preach in private and public gatherings. His influence became very great, such was his reputation for piety and his success in talking, preaching, and writing concerning spiritual religion. He wrote one hundred and eleven hymns, most of which appeared in his Spiritual Flower Garden (1731). He… Go to person page >




DUNDEE (Ravenscroft)

DUNDEE first appeared in the 1615 edition of the Scottish Psalter published in Edinburgh by Andro Hart. Called a "French" tune (thus it also goes by the name of FRENCH), DUNDEE was one of that hymnal's twelve "common tunes"; that is, it was not associated with a specific psalm. In the Psalter Hymnal…

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Glaubenslieder #391

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