1 Will you be one of them that contrite kneel
At the cross of Calvary?
Will you be one of them that Christ doth heal,
And from sin and woe sets free?
Many are coming to the Lamb of God,
Will you be one of them?
Losing sin’s stains in His precious blood,
Will you be one of them?
Will you, will you, will you be one of them?
Will you, will you, will you be one of them?
Many are coming to the Lamb of God,
Will you be one of them?
2 Will you be one of them to hear His voice,
In the tender accents say,—
“Your sins are all forgiven, go, rejoice
Evermore upon your way?” [Refrain]
3 Will you be one of them that joy to go,
In the name of Christ the King,
On errands of His love white here below?
Will you others strive to bring? [Refrain]
4 Will you be one of them in robes of white,
That shall sing around His throne,
In that fair land wherein the Lamb is the light?
Will you stand among His own? [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3 #218