1 With Angels join t' adore the name
Of him that bled and died,
And all his boundless grace proclaim,
Who justice satisfied.
2 What sorrows and what smarting pain,
With agonies unknown,
The blest Redeemer once sustain'd,
For crimes, but not his own!
3 His blood, the balm for all our grief,
The mourning sinner's ease;
His blood alone is our relief,
And man from vengeance frees.
4 Ye saints extol the heav'nly Lamb,
Who yielded up his breath,
To free us from the wrath divine,
And everlasting death.
5 Oh, when shall we that Saviour see,
Whom here by faith we love;
And praise him to eternity,
Around his throne above!
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCLXVI