Własnością Twą, o Boże

Representative Text

Własnością Twą, o Boże,
daj, bym pozostać mógł.
Na blędu niech bezdroże
nie zboczę z Twoich dróg.
O Panie, daj wytrwanie,
stałości użycz mi,
a ja podziękowanie
na wieki oddam Ci.

Source: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki: Codzienna modlitwa, pieśń, medytacja, nabożeństwo #323

Author: Nicolaus Selneccer

Selnecker, Nicolaus, D.D., son of Georg Selnecker (Selneccer, Schellenecker, who was protonotarius to the Nürnberg magistracy, but lived at Hersbruck near Nürnberg) was born at Hersbruck Dec. 5, 1532. In 1536 he was removed to Nürnberg, and became during his school time, when only twelve years old, organist at the chapel in the Kaiserburg there. He went to the university of Wittenberg in 1550 (where he became a favourite pupil of Melanchthon), graduated M.A. on July 31, 1554, and subsequently lectured as a privat-docent, sometimes to 200 students. In the end of 1557 he was appointed second court preacher at Dresden, and tutor to the heir apparent Prince Alexander, having also to supervise the education of the choirboys of the royal chape… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Własnością Twą, o Boże
German Title: Laß mich dein sein und bleiben
Author: Nicolaus Selneccer (1572)
Language: Polish
Copyright: Public Domain


ST. THEODULPH (Teschner)

Now often named ST. THEODULPH because of its association with this text, the tune is also known, especially in organ literature, as VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN. It was composed by Melchior Teschner (b. Fraustadt [now Wschowa, Poland], Silesia, 1584; d. Oberpritschen, near Fraustadt, 1635) for "Valet wi…

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Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #323

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