1 Wonderful love of Jesus,
Saving my soul from sin,
Lifting me from its shadows,
Giving me peace within,
Crowning my life with gladness,
Flooding with joy my way;
How can I keep from singing!
Heaven has come to stay.
Oh, what wonderful love!
Oh, what wonderful love!
‘Tis a debt I can never pay.
Lord, I fall at Thy feet,
With my off’ring complete,
All I have shall be Thine own today.
2 Wonderful love of Jesus,
Keeping me day and night,
When I discern no danger,
When all my skies are bright.
Keeping ‘mid tempest’s fury
when I can scarcely stand,
Keeping, securely keeping!
Safe in my Father’s hand. [Chorus]
3 Wonderful love of Jesus,
Choosing a life so small,
Using it for Thy glory,
Being its all in all.
Wonderful love of Jesus,
Passing the angels by,
Lost in transporting rapture
I can but wonder why! [Chorus]
4 Wonderful love of Jesus,
Coming again some day,
Coming perhaps at midnight,
Or when the dawn is gray!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus,
It cannot be too soon,
Come at the golden sunset
Or at the weary noon. [Chorus]
Source: Hymns of the Christian Life #297