1 Work in the harvest that for you calls;
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Work till the twilight around you falls,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Hasten, O hasten, delay no more,
Garner for heaven the golden store,
Work till the season of toil is o’er,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.
Gathering sheaves,
Gathering sheaves,
Find in life’s harvest divine employ,
Bringing the soul everlasting joy,
Rapture that never shall know alloy,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.
2 Reap, for the harvest-field lies worldwide,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Serve with the faithful ones side by side,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Tho’ you toil hard thro’ the burning heat,
Laying bright grain at the Master’s feet,
You will have won benediction sweet,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Patiently toil in the field of time,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Laying up treasure for realms sublime,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Tho’ you oft weary and faint may be,
And with dim eyes oft your tasks may see,
Labor in faith for eternity,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #132