1 Work, time is passing, the hours quickly fly,
Work while the sunlight is beaming on high;
Waste not the moments, for night draweth nigh,
Soon you shall labor no more.
Work, toiler, work, there is labor for you!
Work, toiler, work, to His service be true!
Work, while ‘tis day,
Work, while you may,
Work, toiler, work for Jesus.
2 Faithfully labor with head and with hand,
Ever obeying the Master’s command;
Tho’ you the purpose may not under [Refrain]stand,
Work for the day’s flying fast.
3 Work, for beside thee he standeth to bless,
He will direct thee thro’ earth’s wilderness;
God will protect thee, no foes shall oppress,
Work for him, then, while you may. [Refrain]
4 Jesus, thy Master, has gone to prepare
In his blest kingdom a home bright and fair;
Rest there awaits you, his joy thou shalt share,
Work, then, the day soon is gone. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #8