Nasif al-Yaziji (March 25, 1800 – February 8, 1871) was a Lebanese author at the times of the Ottoman Empire and father of Ibrahim al-Yaziji. He was one of the leading figures in the Nahda movement. We was a poet, wrote and translated many hymns, and helped in translating the complete Bible into Arabic.
ناصيف بن عبد الله بن جنبلاط بن سعد اليازجي (25 مارس 1800 - 8 فبراير 1871)، أديب وشاعر لبناني ولد في قرية كفر شيما، من قرى الساحل اللبناني في 25 آذار سنة 1800 م في أسرة اليازجي التي نبغ كثير من أفرادها في الفكر والأدب، وأصله من حمص.
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LASST UNS ERFREUEN derives its opening line and several other melodic ideas from GENEVAN 68 (68). The tune was first published with the Easter text "Lasst uns erfreuen herzlich sehr" in the Jesuit hymnal Ausserlesene Catlwlische Geistliche Kirchengesänge (Cologne, 1623). LASST UNS ERFREUEN appeared…
The tune most commonly known as CONTRAST is a German folk tune. In American shape-note tradition the tune is known as GREEN FIELDS or GREENFIELDS. J. S. Bach quoted it in his "Peasant Cantata," but he did not compose it. It has also been misattributed to Maria DeFleury and to Lewis Edson. Edson wrot…