1 Ye sons of men, the warning take;
A moment brings us all to dust.
Awake from sin: from sloth awake;
Reflect in what you put your trust.
2 Life is a lily, fair to-day:
To-morrow into th' oven thrown.
Health soon will fail, and strength decay,
No help in power, in richness none.
3 Ah! what avails the pompous pall,
The sable stoles, the plumed hearse?
To rot within some sacred wall,
Or wound a stone with lying verse!
4 'Tis destin'd all men once to die,
And after death receive their doom.
Then whether will th' ungodly fly?
Or those who carelessly presume?
5 Blessed are they, and only they,
Who in the Lord, their Saviour, die;
Their bodies wait redemption's day,
And sleep in peace where'er they lie.
6 Where is thy victory, where thysting,
Thou grisly king of terrors, Death?
We worms defy thee while we sing,
And trample on thy power by faith.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #839