Tune Title: ASCENDIT DEUSFirst Line: The Lord ascendeth up on highComposer: Johann Gottfried Schicht (1753-1823)Meter: 887 DKey: G MajorDate: 2005Source: Allgemeines Choral-Buch, Leipzig, 1819
Tune Title: ASCENDIT DEUSFirst Line: The Lord ascendeth up on highComposer: Johann Gottfried Schicht (1753-1823)Meter: 887 DKey: G MajorDate: 2008Source: Allgemeines Choral-Buch, Leipzig, 1819
Tune Title: ASCENDIT DEUSFirst Line: The Lord ascendeth up on highComposer: Johann Gotfried Schicht, 1753-1823Meter: 8. 8. 7. D.Key: A♭ MajorDate: 1999
Tune Title: ASCENDIT DEUSFirst Line: Fear not, thou faithful Christian flockComposer: Johann Gottfried Schicht, 1753-1823Meter: 88.7 DIncipit: 56717 12335 43143Key: A♭ Major
Tune Title: ASCENDIT DEUSFirst Line: The Lord ascendeth up on highComposer: Johann Gottfried Schicht, 1753-1823Meter: 88.7 DIncipit: 56717 12335 43143Key: A♭ Major
Tune Title: ASCENDITFirst Line: O Christ, our joy, gone up on highComposer: John StainerMeter: 88.68.86Incipit: 57656 54323 45317Key: D MajorSource: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1875