Composer: U. C. Burnap

Burnap ran a dry goods bus­iness in Brook­lyn, though he grad­u­at­ed from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Par­is with a mu­sic de­gree, and for 37 years played the or­gan at the Re­formed Church in Brook­lyn Heights. He was a pro­li­fic com­pos­er, and helped ed­it the fol­low­ing: Hymns of the Church, 1869 Hymns of Pray­er and Praise, 1871 Hymns and Songs of Praise, 1874 --The Cyber Hymnal™ There is uncertainty about his middle name. Reynolds and the Library of Congress say it was Christopher. A contemporary obituary relied on by "The Cyber Hymnal™" says it was Cicero. It appears that there was another Uzziah C[icero] Burnap who lived (per LOC) 1794-1854. Go to person page >

Tune Information

Title: CLEVELAND (Burnap)
Composer: U. C. Burnap
Incipit: 32156 72123 21321
Copyright: Public Domain


Lord of the hearts of men

Lord of the hearts of men,
Thou hast vouchsafed to bless,
From age to age, Thy chosen saints
With fruits of holiness.

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O God, the heathen hosts

Father, my cup is full!



Instances (1 - 3 of 3)
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Bible Songs #162

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The New Laudes Domini #50

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The New Laudes Domini #938

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