Browsing topics in Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Missionary#18Lo! the ripen'd grain is waving
Missionary#36Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand
Missionary#73All hail the power of Jesus' Name
Missionary#132Go tell the great Redeemer's love
Missionary#165Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Missionary#202From distant lands appealing
Missionary#203The morning light is breaking
Missionary#220Glad as the morning, swift as the light
Missionary#296Go forth, ye heralds of the cross
Occasional#120Give thanks, all ye people, give thanks to the Lord
Occasional#207While with ceaseless course the sun
Occasional#240By our Father called to labor
Occasional#277The breaking waves dash'd high
Occasional#310I am not weary, tho' long is the road
Opening Service#8Glorious things of thee are spoken
Opening Service#21Within Thy house, O Lord, this day
Opening Service#41Come, Thou Almighty King
Opening Service#125Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Opening Service#129Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Opening Service#157Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
