Browsing topics in New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
The SinnerInviting#179eHo! everyone that thirsts, draw nigh
The SinnerInviting#197dCome, sinners, to the gospel feast
The SinnerInviting#231dYe wretched, starving poor
The SinnerInviting#241bCome, weary sinners, come
The SinnerInviting#259eMy son, know thou the Lord
The SinnerInviting#293bCome, O my guilty brethren, come
The SinnerInviting#335aWeary souls, that wander wide
The SinnerInviting#337aFrom the cross uplifted high
The SinnerInviting#347eSinners, turn; why will ye die?
The SinnerInviting#347aSinners, turn, while God is near
The SinnerInviting#357aCome, ye sinners, poor and needy
The SinnerInviting#410bCome to Calvary's holy mountain
The SinnerPenitential#11aMercy alone can meet my case
The SinnerPenitential#15eO for that tenderness of heart
The SinnerPenitential#15bO that I could my Lord receive
The SinnerPenitential#21eLord, at thy feet we sinners lie
The SinnerPenitential#23dThe long-lost son, with streaming eyes
The SinnerPenitential#27eO sun of righteousness, arise
The SinnerPenitential#49eHow oft have I the Spirit grieved
The SinnerPenitential#49cO could I lose myself in Thee
