Browsing topics in New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
The SinnerDepravity#157gO God, to whom, in flesh reveal'd
The SinnerDepravity#157cLord, with a grieved and aching heart
The SinnerDepravity#161gJesus, a word, a look from thee
The SinnerDepravity#165cThough eighteen hundred years are past
The SinnerDepravity#167fDeep are the wounds which sin has made
The SinnerDepravity#191bO thou, whom once they flock'd to hear
The SinnerDepravity#199fLord, we are vile, conceived in sin
The SinnerDepravity#201dJesus, thy far-extended fame
The SinnerDepravity#207fAh, how shall fallen man
The SinnerDepravity#209dO that I could repent!
The SinnerDepravity#225bMy former hopes are fled
The SinnerDepravity#233dHow helpless nature lies
The SinnerDepravity#289cFather of lights, from whom proceeds
The SinnerInviting#47aReturn, O wanderer, return
The SinnerInviting#59eCome, humble sinner, in whose breast
The SinnerInviting#111fJesus, Redeemer of mankind
The SinnerInviting#119dO why should gloomy thoughts arise
The SinnerInviting#123aLovers of pleasure more than God
The SinnerInviting#145cSinners, obey the gospel word
The SinnerInviting#177dCome, O ye sinners, to the Lord
