Browsing topics in New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
The SinnerPenitential#57aLet the redeem'd give thanks and praise
The SinnerPenitential#59fI would be thine; O take my heart
The SinnerPenitential#67eFather, I stretch my hands to thee
The SinnerPenitential#75dHear, gracious God, my humble prayer
The SinnerPenitential#75aThou Lamb of God for sinners slain
The SinnerPenitential#85dJesus! Redeemer, Saviour, Lord
The SinnerPenitential#87cWhen rising from the bed of death
The SinnerPenitential#91cLord, I approach the mercy-seat
The SinnerPenitential#103cIs there a thing too hard for thee
The SinnerPenitential#117bBecause for me the Saviour prays
The SinnerPenitential#123eO that thou wouldst the heavens rend
The SinnerPenitential#133aO for a glance of heavenly day
The SinnerPenitential#145aShow pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
The SinnerPenitential#147dJesus, whose glory's streaming rays
The SinnerPenitential#153eLord, I despair myself to heal
The SinnerPenitential#157eWhom man forsakes thou wilt not leave
The SinnerPenitential#163gFather, if I may call thee so
The SinnerPenitential#163fLight of the Gentile world appear
The SinnerPenitential#163eWhen, gracious Lord, when shall it be
The SinnerPenitential#163aJesus, the sinner's friend, to thee
