274. Creator Spirit, by whose aid

1 Creator Spirit, by whose aid
the world's foundations first were laid,
come, visit every humble mind;
come, pour thy joys on humankind;
from sin and sorrow set us free,
and make thy temples worthy thee.

2 O Source of uncreated light,
the Father's promised paraclete,
thrice Holy Fount, thrice Holy Fire,
our hearts with heavenly love inspire;
come, and thy sacred unction bring
to sanctify us while we sing.

3 Plenteous of grace, come from on high,
rich in thy sevenfold energy;
make us eternal truths receive,
and practice all that we believe;
give us thy self, that we may see
the Father and the Son by thee.

Text Information
First Line: Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Latin Title: Veni Creator Spiritus
Author: Anonymous
Translator: John Dryden, 1631-1700
Language: English
Publication Date: 2010
Topic: General Hymns: The Holy Spirit
Source: 9th century, Latin
Notes: A higher setting of SURREY is found at 238, 615
Tune Information
Composer: Henry Carey, c1687-1743
Key: F Major

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