693. Who Follows?

1 The Son of God goes forth to war,
A kingly crown to gain;
His blood-red banner streams afar;
Who follows in His train?
Who best can drink His cup of woe,
Triumphant over pain;
Who patient bears His cross below,
He follows in His train.

2 The martyr first, whose eagle eye
Could pierce beyond the grave,
Who saw His Master in the sky,
And called on Him to save;
Like Him, with pardon on His tongue
In midst of mortal pain,
He pray'd for them that did the wrong:
Who follows in His train?

3 A glorious band, the chosen few
On whom the spirit came,
Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew,
And mocked the cross and flame:
They met the tyrant's brandished steel,
The lion's gory mane;
They bowed their necks the death to feel;
Who follows in their train?

4 A noble army, men and boys,
The matron and the maid;
Around the Saviour's throne rejoice,
In robes of light arrayed:
They climb'd the steep ascent of heav'n
Thro' peril, toil, and pain:
O God, to us may grace be giv'n
To follow in their train.

Text Information
First Line: The Son of God goes forth to war
Title: Who Follows?
Author: Reginald Heber
Language: English
Publication Date: 1908
Topic: Christ: Warfare and Victory; Living His Life: Warfare and Victory; Living His Life: Call to Activity
Tune Information
Composer: Henry S. Cutler
Meter: C. M.
Key: B♭ Major

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