16184. Christ Our God And Lord Is Risen

1 Christ our God and Lord is ris­en
From the sealed and guard­ed pri­son;
Tell it out, ye Chris­tian peo­ple!
Ring the chimes from tow­er and stee­ple.
Hark the feast­er greets the feast­er;
Christmas shouts aloud to East­er—

In ex­cel­sis glo­ria! In ex­cel­sis glo­ria!
In ex­cel­sis glo­ria!

2 Jesus springs from death and scorn­ing,
On this glad­some East­er morn­ing.
Children, sing that glo­ri­ous ris­ing,
Earth and Heav’n with joy sur­pris­ing:
Echo back the an­gels’ chant­ing—
Let no voice to­day be want­ing— [Refrain]

3 Ris’en is He with pow­er to save us,
From the sins that still en­slave us;
Ris’n in ma­jes­ty to lead us,
To the home in Heav’n de­creed us;
Fittest mu­sic for this mirth-day
Is the chant that hailed His birth­day— [Refrain]

4 Holy Christ, ac­cept the prais­es
Which each fee­ble voice up­rais­es;
And when life shall here have end­ing,
May our souls to Thee as­cend­ing,
Join Thy saints—like them for­giv­en—
In that hap­pi­est song of Hea­ven— [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Christ our God and Lord is ris­en
Title: Christ Our God And Lord Is Risen
Author: Anonymous (1916)
Refrain First Line: In ex­cel­sis glo­ria!
Language: English
Source: Carols New and Carols Old by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston: Parish Choir, 1916)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [Christ our God and Lord is ris­en]
Composer: John Sebastian Bach Hodges, 1830-1915
Key: E Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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