3109. In Thee, Lord, Have I Put My Trust

1. In Thee, Lord, have I put my trust,
Leave me not helpless in the dust,
Let not my hope be brought to shame,
But still sustain, through want and pain,
My faith that Thou art aye the same.

2. Incline a gracious ear to me,
And hear the prayers I raise to Thee,
Show forth Thy power and haste to save!
For woes and fear surround me here,
Oh swiftly send the help I crave!

3. My God and Shield, now let Thy power
Be unto me a mighty tower,
Whence I may freely, bravely fight
Against the foes that round me close
For fierce are they and great their might.

4. Thy Word hath said, Thou art my Rock,
The Stronghold that can fear no shock,
My help, my safety, and my life,
Howe’er distress and dangers press;
What then shall daunt me in the strife?

5. The world for me hath falsely set
Full many a secret snare and net,
Dark lies, delusions sweet and vain;
Lord, hear my prayers, and break these snares,
And make my path before me plain.

6. With Thee, Lord, would I cast my lot;
My God, my God, forsake me not,
O faithful God, for I commend
My soul to Thee; deliver me
Both now, and when this life must end.

Text Information
First Line: In Thee, Lord, have I put my trust
Title: In Thee, Lord, Have I Put My Trust
German Title: In dich hab' ich gehoffet, Herr
Author: Adam Reissner (1533)
Translator (from German): Catherine Winkworth
Meter: 88.88.8
Language: English
Source: Translation; The Chorale Book for England (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green, 1863), number 120
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: VAIL
Composer: Anonymous
Meter: 88.88.8
Incipit: 11524 32115 67654
Key: e minor
Source: 16th Century German
Copyright: Public Domain

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