LXXXVII. Communion with GOD and CHRIST

1 Our heavenly Father calls,
And Christ invites us near;
With both our friendship shall be sweet,
And our communion dear.

2 God pities all our griefs;
He pardons every day;
Almighty to protect our souls,
And wise to guide our way.

3 How large his bounties are!
What various stores of good,
Diffus'd from our Redeemer's hand,
And purchas'd with his blood!

4 Jesus, our living head,
We bless thy faithful care;
Our advocate before the throne,
And our forerunner there.

5 Here fix, my roving heart!
Here wait, my warmest love!
Till the communion be complete
In nobler scenes above.

Text Information
First Line: Our heavenly Father calls
Title: Communion with GOD and CHRIST
Author: Doddridge
Meter: S. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1793
Topic: The Christian Life
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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