526. If God Himself be for me

1 If God Himself be for me,
I may a host defy,
For when I pray, before me
My foes confounded fly.
If Christ, my Head and Master,
Befriend me from above,
What foe or what disaster
Can drive me from His love?

2 This I believe--yea, rather,
In this I make my boast,
That God is my dear Father.
The Friend who loves me most;
And that, whate'er betide me,
My Savior is at hand,
Through stormy seas to guide me,
And bring me safe to land.

3 I build on this foundation,
That Jesus and His blood
Alone are my salvation,
The true, eternal good;
Without Him, all that pleases
Is valueless on earth;
The gifts I owe to Jesus
Alone my love are worth.

4 My Jesus is my Splendor,
My soul's bright-beaming Sun;
Were He not my Defender
Before God's awful throne,
I never should find favor
And mercy in His sight,
But be destroyed forever,
As darkness by the light.

5 He canceled my offenses,
And saved my soul from death;
'Tis He who ever cleanses
Me from my sins through faith.
In Him I can be cheerful,
Bold, and undaunted aye:
In Him I am not fearful,
Of God's great judgment-day.

6 Naught, naught can e'er condemn me,
Nor set my hope aside;
Now hell no more can claim me,
Its fury I deride.
No sentence e'er reproves me,
No ill destroys my peace,
For Christ, my Savior, loves me
And screens me with His grace.

7 His Spirit in me dwelleth
And o'er my mind He reigns.
All sorrow He dispelleth
And soothes away all pains.
He crowns His work with blessing,
And helpeth me to cry
"My Father!" without ceasing,
To Him who dwells on high.

8 To mine His Spirit speaketh
Sweet word of holy cheer,
How God, to Him that seeketh
For rest, is always near,
And how He hath erected
A city fair and new,
Where what our faith expected
We evermore shall view.

9 In yonder home doth flourish
My heritage, my lot,
Though here I die and perish,
My heaven shall fail me not.
Though care my life oft saddens
And causeth tears to flow,
The light of Jesus gladdens
And sweetens every woe.

10 Who clings with resolution
To Him whom Satan hates,
Must look for persecution;
For him the burden waits
Of mockery, shame, and losses,
Heaped on his guiltless head;
A thousand plagues and crosses
Shall be his daily bread.

11 All this I am prepared for,
Yet am I not afraid;
By Thee shall all be cared for,
To whom my vows were paid.
Though life and limb it cost me
And everything I have,
Unshaken shall I trust Thee,
Thee never shall I leave.

12 Though earth be rent asunder,
Thou'rt mine eternally;
Not fire, nor sword, nor thunder,
Shall sever me from Thee;
Not hunger, thirst, nor danger,
Not pain nor poverty,
Nor mighty princes' anger,
Shall ever hinder me.

13 No angel, and no gladness,
No throne, no pomp, no show,
No love, no hate, no sadness,
No pain, no depth of woe,
No scheme of man's contrivance,
However small or great,
Shall draw me from Thy guidance,
Nor from Thee separate.

14 My heart for joy is springing,
And can no more be sad,
'Tis full of mirth and singing,
Sees naught but sunshine glad:
The Sun that cheers my spirit
Is Jesus Christ my King,
That which I shall inherit
Hereafter, makes me sing.

Text Information
First Line: If God Himself be for me
Meter: 7, 6 81
Language: English
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: The Cross and Comfort
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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